off-limit file [计] 隔离文件
back off limit 避免算法参数 ; 退避极限 ; 退避限制数
cut-off limit 临界值
on and off limit 投入门限与切除门限
off-limit detector 偏极限侦测器
cut-off limit switch 停闸限位掣
off-limit contacts 限位触点
blow-off limit 吹熄极限
off-limit 禁止的
But workers are wearing protective clothing, working in brief shifts and being occasionally pulled off the site to limit accumulated exposure.
HTC users can alternatively limit their vulnerability by turning off Bluetooth entirely, or by disconnecting from any device that is not already paired with the handset.
But the chamber argues that a new agency would choke off credit to small businesses, limit consumer choices and lead to higher prices.